
Why was it necessary to delete all Pepe emojies?

Cool thanks, but there's no answer there neither.
> removed because of unclear licensing status
>I have not followed this discussion closely; but my understanding is

This doesn't sound like an official statement. And what do we mean by a licensing status of the meme? It should be public by definition of the meme
@artyom7 said in #5:
> This doesn't sound like an official statement.

you were looking for answers. i pointed you to one. next time, please immediately say in #3:

@artyom7 said in #3:
> Cool thanks, but there's no official statement there neither.

or better yet already clarify in #1 that you will only accept official statements. that will help me not waste a minute of my life trying to help you.
Wow wow calm down, thanks anyway, you're the most helpful person in this thread for sure!

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