
How come I'm so bad at chess now.

Before I was really good at chess, having almost no inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders or just only 3 inaccuracies in my games! Dominated my school's leaderboard and got a gold model too.

Now I'm doing very badly for some reason, missing good moves and tactics, just doing very badly. How do I improve again, is it because I don't play chess much because of school as I used to?
If you compare my games from a month or 2 ago to now, you will see how bad I'm now.
Its easy, if you play on line you will encounter many players with different stiles.
You need to spend more time training and give up playing rapid or blitz or bullet... You need to train yourself to THINK! Take the time to learn how to THINK! and stop playing with the humans... it is much better to play against the machine... the machine will teach you how to THINK! just my opinion... stay away from rapid or blitz or bullet... stay away from humans... and learn to think... just my opinion.
Two months ago, you weren't rated 1400, and neither were your opponents.

It's not that you got worse; it's that your opposition got better. It's a lot easier to make mistakes against stronger players.

Don't worry too much about it. It's quite natural for the evaluation of your games to be worse against stronger players.
You need to play slow games and have time to think.
Train you brain over time to think fast. You will get there. If you need help message me.
You got a gold model? Dude, I so want one, too. If I write as badly as you, do you think my school would give me a badly earned gold (plated) model, too? (And, would people out on the Internet understand how significant this accomplishment is? "GM" stands for ... it means "Grand Master," not "Gold Model.")
Maybe its because you started off your profile with "A chess player that would one day become a grandmaster"...
To get better, it's necessary to study. Please go to learn tab. Solve all chess basics and practice exercises. Also please solve some tactics. Getting better takes time. Everyone has good days and bad days.

@MrCharles you forgot to attach a gif. It's difficult to understand your comments if they do not contain some GIFs. You deserve a GM (gold medal) as the #1 troll on lichess. I look forward for the special GIF. GM is also Go Man!

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