
Say something about yourself

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@Dukedog said in #21:
> @Sweatergirl
> You look professionally frumpy.
> That's a thing right?
> Just kidding
> You should think about cutting your hair
> Accentuate those cheekbones
> And you'd be a hot brunette
@Sweatergirl You know too much about fashion
I feel sorry for you
Fashion comes and goes
But style is forever

Dianna Vreeland

Fashion changes
But style endures

Coco Chanel

And lose the glasses
@Dukedog said in #24:
> @Sweatergirl You know too much about fashion
> I feel sorry for you
> Fashion comes and goes
> But style is forever
> Dianna Vreeland
One can never know too much about fashion, but that is exactly what I would expect someone to say who knows nothing about fashion. I continue to feel sorry for you.
So superficial,not you,fashion

But I am glad you have something
To give meaning to your life
@Sweatergirl said in #20:
> That would have to be me me. I've been here long enough that I'm surprised that everybody here does not know who I am.

i always pictured you as a more innocent naive type,you in the picture doesnt look like the type that wears sweaters
you look like a business woman or something

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