
Game screen takes over 15 seconds to load after game has started and the game auto-aborts

I keep running into an issue where I launch a new game, either from the quick pairing tab or the lobby tab, then the screen starts to load displaying the game pieces, but I am unable to move or see my opponent's move if my opponent is white. The game auto-aborts and then the page finally finishes loading. When the issue occurs, there are three dots that are lighting up on the right side of the screen near my username. Then, toward the end of the process just before the game auto-aborts, when using Chrome I see the text "Connecting" in the lower-left corner of my browser window. This happens intermittently for days at a time, then goes away. I am generally using Chrome, but the same thing happens in Firefox. I have tried deleting my cookies. I have tried disabling my Adblocker extension. There is no issue with my internet connection. There isn't a significant amount of lag. In the few instances the screen has loaded quickly enough for me to actually play a game, game play is not impacted at all. Any suggestions?

Does anyone have any insight as to the cause of this issue? It has been a week now and I still can't play a game. It isn't my browser or my internet connection and I am at my wits end trying to find a solution other than leaving Lichess.
Which OS/browser do you use? Why two numbers do you get from the dials here: ?

If it's not your browser or connection....i'm not sure what else it can be?! Have you tried turning your router off and on? Are you using a virtual machine? Could you try another phone/pc/tablet on the same internet connection or use your device on a different connection? Could you tether your device to your phone instead of using broadband? Is your machine using up to date drivers?

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