
lichess is slow?

Lichess has stalled for me with the horse head silhouette line animation when I try to start a new game against the computer and when I try to start the analysis. It's not my network connection and closing/opening lichess tab didn't help. Sometimes earlier it had stalled for like a fraction of a second to show that animation but recently it's really worse, like multiple minutes. One of the analyses is still doing it here at the time I'm writing this [link to game deleted because it puts the game into the message] and it's why I posted this feedback but it's been happening other times like I said.
There may be something fishy going on with one of the instances in the fishnet cluster causing issues for some people. Hopefully someone with access can take a look soon.
I've also had connection issues for a little while. It happens occasionally and randomly when I open a new page (e.g., start a game, start a puzzle, go to a friend's profile, anything really). If I look at my ping it's in the 1000's, but if I go to another page, it's fine again.

So, I assumed it was either my computer, windows, or my provider, but recently I had an Ookla speed test ready to go on another tab for when it happened. The speed test said my connection was great, but my lichess ping remained bad during the test. Weird!
I'm having issues navigating through lichess with the Firefox browser. I get TLS Handhsake popups and webpage will just hang. I usually use a Chromium browser for lichess these days but would prefer to use Firefox.
@RazorBoy said in #4:
> I'm having issues navigating through lichess with the Firefox browser. I get TLS Handhsake popups and webpage will just hang. I usually use a Chromium browser for lichess these days but would prefer to use Firefox.

I would go to the address bar and type "about:profiles" and hit enter. Create a new Firefox profile, set it as default, relaunch Firefox, come back to lichess, and see if you still hang on TLS handshakes. (You can go right back to your old profile after the test)
@schlawg said in #5:
> I would go to the address bar and type "about:profiles" and hit enter. Create a new Firefox profile, set it as default, relaunch Firefox, come back to lichess, and see if you still hang on TLS handshakes. (You can go right back to your old profile after the test)


Thanks for the reply. I already tried this method after researching the issue, but it did not correct the problem. The only other things I can think of would be a tweak in my Firefox network setting or security/privacy settings, but I'm not the most computer savvy guy, so any advice would be much appreciated.

Don't worry you'll get it figured out. I wouldn't worry too much about settings because swapping profiles should have reset those to vanilla for you. That's assuming you were actually using a newly created profile and there was no mistakes when using it.

I should mention - Firefox Profile Manager (about:profiles) could actually be called Profile Mismanager because it is a confusing UI and a minefield for mistakes. I personally always set the profile I want to use as default, then I immediately quit the browser, and then relaunch manually (do NOT use the restart buttons on the right of the about:profiles UI - they will not switch your profile to the newly created default one for some reason). And once one quits and relaunches manually, one should go to about:profiles again, RELOAD for good measure, and confirm the new profile is active before proceeding with any test. Again, the Restart buttons at the right of the UI are there to trick you. They won't switch your profile. (There is also the option to launch a given profile as a new instance of Firefox and while this does work, it's pretty easy to get confused which running Firefox is which and so I don't recommend it).

Anyways, assuming none of that tripped you up - I wonder if you also wind up in TLS handshake hell when using private browsing mode?

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