
[suggestion] [1 minute only per each move] games in anonymous games ?

In anonymous games, some people often leave away from the games when they are in losing position making others to wait forever for no reason.

I know there is bullet and rapid games in lichess. But its **minutes per side**.

**I am talking about minutes per each move kind of chess game.**
I also like this. I think it would be cool. However, you should be able to pick your time, not just 1 minute.
Obviously there are so many possible time controls, and lichess only provides the most popular formats.

However let's be clear that even with only 1 minute for each move a game can still last a long time to finish. Let's say your opponent is only 15 moves from checkmate. He can still make it last 15 minutes!
So it is fun to play all sorts of formats but if you're looking to eliminate such behavior you need to look into faster time controls. In the meantime you can play something like 0+10s.
If it is an anonymous game and your opponent leaves, there is absolutely no reason to stick around. Leave the game. If you want to analyze it, just resign if the force a win button does not appear. It is anonymous, unrated chess. Who cares.

If the opponent leaves then there would no problem, but the other anonymous player don't leave instead they stay online until timer runs out, wasting time. This has happened to me many times.

I think all anonymous game should be restricted to **[minutes per move]** rather than minutes per side.

Losing most games even as anonymous like this, its give bad vibe and its annoying.

Obviously depends on position on the board and time control, but people might genuinely be thinking.

Anyhow, these are casual games. Just resign and move on.

[in anonymous games]
I don't think they are genuinely thinking and wasting the entire time when they are about to be checkmated or when their queen is about to be taken. Its just annoying.

That's why i am suggesting **[1 minute per each move]** games for anonymous games.

This has happened to me plenty of time also. I just leave the game open in one browser tab and the will eventually run down without me worrying about it.

I wouldn't be in favour of a time limit per move - sometimes people do need more than a minute to think of the implications of their choices of moves.

Perhaps there could be an 'automatically claim a win when option becomes available' setting.

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