
Being accused of cheating and the messaging system

This message is mainly addressed to the moderators in here, but perhaps this post will resonate with other users as well.

During yesterday’s session of games, I was accused of cheating by two separate players - on each occasion they sent me a direct message after the game, supplying no evidence of course to back up their accusations merely the fact that I had beaten them.

I would like to know why these users are allowed to initiate a conversation like this and then be able to instantly block all messages, preventing my right to reply? Of course I reported this, but as yet have heard nothing. As far as I’m aware, these users are allowed to continue playing as normal.

So my main points are as follow:
1) What are the consequences on lichess for unsportmanlike behaviour?...apparently nothing.
2) Could you please try and address the fundamentally flawed messaging system? If you initiate a conversation with a fellow user, that user should be allowed at minimum a right to reply.
1) Report. It may take some time(upto 2-3 weeks) but action is taken against such players(chatban)
2) Blocking without waiting for a reply is completely fine. In your case you should just ignore them
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Koo, on your point no 2...why is it fine? You haven’t posted a reason to support your claim. It is NOT fine, if you want to message someone you are starting a conversation. You shouldn’t have to right to conduct it solely on your terms. Lichess should fix this in my opinion.

Konadios...but I don’t want to play without messages...just don’t want to be insulted as I play.
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That’s a fair point Konadios, and pretty good advice for life in general I believe.

However, I think you misunderstand the nature of my complaint. The insult itself is not the main issue. It’s the fact that someone can write it with no right of reply. This goes against all forms of human interaction. If you want to disparage someone, then fine! However, you should also expect that person to be able to defend themselves. Why can’t lichess change this aspect of their messaging system? That is the main point that I’m asking for.
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> This message is mainly addressed to the moderators in here
On the contrary, your message is mainly addressed to the developers.

> I would like to know why these users are allowed to initiate a conversation like this and then be able to instantly block all messages, preventing my right to reply?
I am not a developer, but my guess is that it is probably close to impossible to implement a messaging system that offers what you are asking for. Unless of course they would simply remove the possibility to block people completely. But this would come with another set of disadvantages.

> 1) What are the consequences on lichess for unsportmanlike behaviour?...apparently nothing.
The fact that you do not see any consequences does absolutely not mean that there are none.

> 2) Could you please try and address the fundamentally flawed messaging system?
I am not a developer, but again: How do you envision that to work? If your intended system really does remove blocking, then I am pretty sure that it will not happen.

> right to reply
You keep saying this as if it were a thing. I have never heard of such a "right to reply", and I honestly doubt it exists anywhere. Definitely not in my country, otherwise I would have been in jail long ago. I constantly violate people's "right to reply".
I hate people when they send me a message and just block me it so frustrating.
So I think devs can do one thing if you message someone till 24hours you can't block that person.
But I think it won't be implemented if it got implemented it would be awesome and we could just reply to whatever our opponents said

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