I thought it would be good to have a feature to search by Title. There are different ways that this can be done, could be as simple as a check box or a drop down to search by all titles or one in particular.
I would imagine that there would be a lot of players that would really like to see the games they played against GMs and FMs and other titled players. This is probably really true for lower ranked players.
Currently there is no way of doing this. So to search for a GM that you played you would have to hope you can find in the long list, which does not show all your games.
fbserv.herokuapp.com/titledthere was a thread to it which i cant find anymore, only found the link itself.
someone from lichess adjusted the lichess api to made it possible and was orignally created for bot titles but can be used for all titles.
This is not what I was talking about.
you know you can go to advanced search under your player profile. From there you can search games you played with other people.
There is no way of searching for the titled players you played. For example: in crazyhouse variant I have played and beaten a GM a few times and some FMs, an NM, and I think a CM and I would like to see those games. The problem is I have no way of searching for them. I do not remember the name of the players, but I do remember they have a title.
I would like to find those games where I played titled players.
Currently the only way to make such a search is to download all your games and then search for the appropriate PGN header. You can try to be a bit smarter if you use the game download API and filter for the given variant, but the way this API is constructed this will not be much faster or less complicated then downloading all your games ( it may be even slower and more complicated ).
I'm tired of fighting fights at lila issues, so a brave member should take this on:
github.com/ornicar/lila/issuesI created a page using the streaming game download API, that lets you search your games using custom Javascript condition. The code should refer to object "game" which is the JSON representation of the lichess game as returned by the API, and should produce a boolean value based on that. If the boolean value is true, the game will be listed.
To search for your titled games, use this link:
fbserv.herokuapp.com/games.html?username=mchelken&code=game.players.white.user.title%20%7C%7C%20game.players.black.user.title%20Thank you
How did you create that url search. I am familiar with JSON, but where did you find this interface? and how did you program it?
For the API interface our benevolent dictator created a documentation:
lichess.org/api#operation/apiGamesUserThe code is part of my Firebase server app which collects my chess related random ideas that can be implemented using a Python Flask server running on Heroku with Google Firebase persistence.
This particular search is coded here:
github.com/handywebprojects/fbserv/blob/master/games.htmlIt uses "can-ndjson-stream" library for ndjson stream ( see :
www.bitovi.com/blog/faster-page-loads-how-to-use-ndjson-to-stream-api-responses ). Other scripts included are my own dom wrapper and a model for the lichess game.
You can add a personal token now to speed up the search. It needs no special scope, just a general token. You can create it in Preferences -> API Access tokens.
With token it approaches the theoretical 50 games/sec max speed ( in practice it did 42 games/sec for me, much better than cca. 10 games/sec without token ).