
Trump lost the election in 2020 to Biden

@verylate said in #11:
> Only the good die young

So when you're the best, the perfect one you're in deep sh... ? ;-)
There is an epidemic of old apparatchiks running (at least in appearance) the world: Biden, Putin, Xi, Netanyahu, Khamenei, just to name a few. The problem is not that they are old, as for example Ireland's Higgis seems to be a great man. The problem is that they are either incompetent, either despotic, either both.

And sadly, too often do people do fight about which one is better or worse, within or between countries, and not about a graver issue: why do decent and competent people seldom get to these positions of power? Why are politics filled with mediocre people? At least for Western countries, I personally blame money and lobby which I believe have in their pockets most of major politicians.

Not sure about climate change, since it is more difficult to characterize, but global warming is now an established fact. Human industrial activity is very possibly the main culprit, and the consequences are potentially catastrophic. Yet the main news this week was the hush money trial of Trump. And that apparently the guy had sex with Mrs. Daniels without a condom.

When the party's over, I feel the hangover will be rough.
I don't know if any of you have seen this video yet, but I recommend watching it - it really just explains why we end up with candidates like Trump and Biden who seem to have no real hardcore supporters (we're making an exception for MAGA crowd here)

The vast majority of people (that I know of) that voted for Trump didn't actually care for him. They just liked him better than the other candidate. And it's the same thing with Biden.

TLDR I think it's less about who won and more about how much we've all lost by increasingly not really voting for our real top candidate.
Politics is always a dubious topic of discussion.

My two cents is that whoever's ticket succeeds, will once again raise backlash. Biden and Trump have both been highly controversial politicians, so their winning the ballot suggests that America will become increasingly divided over such topics.

A leader's primary task is to unite. That's what it should be, at least.
I think it's not only losing the ability to vote for top candidate.

Now that we're able to live in a bubble thanks to Zuckerberg and his insanely rich pals, the division is enabling wack ones to be the candidate for POTUS in each party. A couple of decades ago you had to be a monk living in a remote mountain to be disconnected from reality like way too many voters those days.
@ScarletSupernova said in #17:
> Politics is always a dubious topic of discussion.
> [...]
> A leader's primary task is to unite. That's what it should be, at least.

Sadly this information is not reaching more countries than ever. Military-Industrial Conglomerate will have more sunny days .

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