
An option for players that don't cheat to avoid players that cheat.

Please let new players that cheat play each other. Please have the known honest players get paired with each other. When players can't do puzzles and have a strong rating at 10 minute games, place them in the cheater group. I'm a 2100 player that was 2000 in live games in high school. I crush people in person, but I'm rated expert only in bullet on lichess. Lately, I'm down in the 1800s at blitz. I don't dare play slower than that or the cheaters are everywhere.

It's also interesting what countries have players that cheat more often. I'd love to see that data.
I also wish for that. When i play at CC i can take a little comfort there because im often refunded when i submit a report but here....hasnt even happened once. Theres a ton of cheaters here and theres no if , but or maybe about it.
There is no such thing as a "known honest player". Even if you knew for sure that someone has never cheated so far (which actually you never can be sure), then you would still not know what he will do in his next game.
players who cheat get banned. So all those you face in ranked are either "honest players"or cheaters who didn't get caught yet (not many of those)

And no the cheaters are not everywhere, you're just less good than you thought.
If you actualy meet one, just report them. If they're truly one you will get refunded your lost ratings. The anti-cheats of lichess are top notch ;)

As someone who play rapid games from time to time, i never met a cheater. Period.
@sheckley666 said in #3:
> There is no such thing as a "known honest player".
And vice versa, most "clear and unambiguous signs of a cheater" are bogus and have perfectly reasonable explanations.
Tell me you're tilting without telling me you're tilting

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