
What is the point?

The point is to give players who have poor connections a reasonable time to reconnect. I don't see why this grace time should necessarily be less than the time the player has left on the clock.
@Brian-E said in #2:
> The point is to give players who have poor connections a reasonable time to reconnect. I don't see why this grace time should necessarily be less than the time the player has left on the clock.

Did you see the image?

The game was set to end in 2.3 seconds. The game: finish/finito/terminado.
Meanwhile the time I had to click on "claim victory" was set to 4 seconds.

Yeah, right. After the game is finished, and I was awarded the victory, I would still need to wait 2 more seconds to click what?

Don't be lazy on the read-mode and fast on the write-mode, please.

I think you are missing the case when your opponent disconnects during your thinking time.

One could rightfully argue that when the time remaining on their *running* clock is less than the remaining grace period, this countdown could simply be removed altogether. But from a user experience perspective it might still be consistent to have it there.

And as I understand it, when they reconnect in time, but later in the game disconnect again, their "grace time pool" will be smaller... so being see the current state of it gives a tiny bit more information in that regard as well.
For the record, I did look carefully at your image @drbeco before I posted my response. A careful reading of my response by you should have shown that I was actually responding directly to the point that the grace time given was greater than the time remaining on the clock.

Your point of view that the grace period to reconnect should always be less than the time remaining on the clock is a valid one which I can respect even though I don't agree with it. I don't expect, however, to be accused of laziness when I take the trouble to respond to you and put my own point of view.
@Brian-E said in #2:
> The point is to give players who have poor connections a reasonable time to reconnect. I don't see why this grace time should necessarily be less than the time the player has left on the clock.
If he has 4 seconds to connect and only 2 seconds left on the clock, it won't matter if he reconnected after 3 seconds (when he had 1 second to connect), he'd still lose.

BUT, there's a catch. The clock of the opponent pauses when its your move and your thinking time. However, the time which is provided for reconnecting to a match still keeps running, no matter whose move it is, until the person joins back (reconnects). If you had played your move 3 seconds later, his time would've been 2 seconds and the reconnecting panel would have shown 1 second. So it would all depend on when you play YOUR (in your case).
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #6:
> If he has 4 seconds to connect and only 2 seconds left on the clock, it won't matter if he reconnected after 3 seconds (when he had 1 second to connect), he'd still lose.
> BUT, there's a catch. The clock of the opponent pauses when its your move and your thinking time. However, the time which is provided for reconnecting to a match still keeps running, no matter whose move it is, until the person joins back (reconnects). If you had played your move 3 seconds later, his time would've been 2 seconds and the reconnecting panel would have shown 1 second. So it would all depend on when you play YOUR (in your case).

Time lost by a player when reconnecting is at least partially compensated (just as time lost due to lag is). I don't know whether it's always fully compensated in the case of a disconnection, but I'm pretty sure it's not true to say that a player disconnecting with 2 seconds left on the clock will automatically lose if they fail to return within 2 seconds. (I could be misunderstanding you. If so, could you clarify what I'm getting wrong there?)

Additionally, one of the options offered to the opponent if the disconnecting player fails to return in time is "Call a draw". So the loss for the disconnecting player is not automatic in any case.
@Brian-E said in #7:
> Time lost by a player when reconnecting is at least partially compensated (just as time lost due to lag is). I don't know whether it's always fully compensated in the case of a disconnection, but I'm pretty sure it's not true to say that a player disconnecting with 2 seconds left on the clock will automatically lose if they fail to return within 2 seconds. (I could be misunderstanding you. If so, could you clarify what I'm getting wrong there?)
This statement is wrong since they don't compensate time at all. I mean, whenever I have lost connections it was in a game in which I had sufficient time, but MAYBE when you are playing hyper/ultra or normal bullet there is a compensation, however I haven't been disconnected in such a game so I don't know.
@AyaanshGaur12 Okay, well if what you say is correct (in which case I've learned something, thank you!) then the original issue which @drbeco raised doesn't matter in any case. :-)

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