
List of top rated tactics problems

I see there's a widget for giving ratings to the tactics problems, but not a way of searching for problems according to their rating. So it would make a neat collection.

Another idea I had, is what about voice chat? Wouldn't that be gnarly? I haven't seen a chess site that has that yet. Could promote some fantastic intellectualism.
You're not missing out on much as far as extreme tactics puzzles; I also believe that allowing people to search for tactics ahead of time would defeat the purpose of training with completely foreign positions. LiChess doesn't have a good selection of thematic puzzles anyway. (But since you seem to like them, here's the highest rated problem I've ever came across.) It's a piece sac deflection with a double in-between move and a king safety move with a whopping 2750+ rating. It's incredibly anti-intuitive. I've only ever solved 4-5 puzzles on this site that have a rating over 2600. But then again, my rating is in a slump again (~1900-2000) and after a while Lichess throws you all the puzzles with negative ratings... (Try this one, free points for me)

...As far as voice chat, that's just asking for trouble.

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