
Levy Rozman's Catching Cheaters Series..

The saddest thing is that reports from non-premium users do not matter, I experienced that a lot there. Some of the mods always watches his streams and banns the people he accused ( some of them fairly imo) to make the report system look good. It definitely is not, and it is a shame that from approximately 10 reports I made(against really blatant cheaters) (as a non premium user) not a single action was taken.
No matter whether he is right or not about the spectated users being cheaters, public shaming is not cool. His videos basically promote the toxic behaviour of people calling each others cheaters. It is a big shame that chesscom allows this, why even give him a staff account, he is obviously not a moderator? Cheating accusations should not be joked around like this in my opinion, they are very serious, and to see prominent streamers and youtubers like Levy do this is kind of videos is sickening to me.
Levy Rozman's videos were like the next best thing after Eric Rosen and Eric Hansen - it was a family friendly. But - now - with the cheat detection videos - he starts swearing and talking about how cheaters are always men who don't wash their you know what. Sometimes I think he's drunk. Thus, I switch channels to Eric Rosen, who instead of swearing says maybe "Dah!" or "Oh no my ___!"

No hate Levy fans I just want the normal one back.
1. straw man
2. straw man
3. straw man
4. straw man
5. didn't see it
6. straw man
7. wrong.
8. straw man
<Comment deleted by user>
cheaters made me leave chess com i made reports against them yet nothing happened maybe they dont care cause im not a premium user
I've never liked Levy on Twitch. His videos were another matter, but now his toxic personality is starting to come through there, too.

I think he's coked up half the time, and I wish I was joking, but I'm not.
Plenty of cheaters on chesscom so the IM fights in the good cause. And you do not grow to his feet.
@MahatamaGandhi The assertion that no one who plays at master strength would be untitled is absolute nonsense. They'd "go pro," would they? Do you have any idea how little money there is in chess for someone at NM level (2200)? Sure, if they wanted to give lessons or be a chess coach, the title might help, but most people at that level have ordinary day jobs, and don't have the time needed to dedicate themselves to recruiting students/clients.

And that's before even considering that not every titled player on (or here for that matter) necessarily want to be known, or want to prove their identity to the website. Some people prefer anonymity on the internet. I'm pretty sure "Mahatama Gandhi" is not your actual name...

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