
8 yers old school kid who can't play now because of a mistake. Please help.

Hey guys,

I am writing in the name of a 8 years old school boy whose account here is "matejpolansky". He is attending a school where the kids study chess, they have their own "school-team" here, and his attandence is required by the school.

He started to play on lichess fro the first time this Saurday, playing a little school tournament.

He tried to practice some more chess today, as on Saturday it was his very first online chess -- and wanted to get use to it a bit..

He absolutely accidentally clicked some minutes ago on "1/2 minute" game challengee. Well, in reality, even 10 minutes games are too fast for him. He aborted the game when he saw the mistake. And - quite understandably - did not agree to did play the "revenge" with his opponent.

And he sees that he can't create a game. And he is sad.

Please, tell me whether there is any chance/possibility to make this right.

Thank you so much for your help. He will appreciate it

Kind regards from Prague.
It was likely just a time-out. The account is not flagged.
What do you mean with "And he sees that he can't create a game."? What exactly does he see? Any kind of message or just an interface, where he don't know what to do?
nooboss, ruzgar9543: Thank you so much! He wanted to create a new game challenge (60+60) and did not see hthe game listed in the lobby. He tried again to create one with the same result. No message. No interface difference. I hope this explanation helps.
Matej is saying, 'thank you'!! It really looks like it was a short timeout. Have a good day and games.
@ruzgar9543 Thanks for asking. No, it actuall
y did not say that. (But, if this mesage shows in a pop-up, it could be caused by an ad-blocker on).
There is no restriction on the account mentioned, and there has never been one. Additionally, lichess does not use pop-ups anywhere.

What does he see when he follows this link:
anonmond: Thanks again. I was not sure about popups, thanks for your clarification. As for now, the restriction is gone. And it had one and only "form": when he customised a new game, he could not see it then in the lobby for some unknown reason. I greately appreciate your interest, our problem is solved for now.

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