
Please can we have a 2 minute bullet play option?

This would really change my life. 1 minute is too fast for me currently. 2+1 just ends up with me being massively frustrated because as it seems to me the algorithm that applies extra time adds a whole different dimension to the game that essentially makes it a different game altogether: who can put moves in consistently within a couple of seconds rather than who had the most amount of time initially or who plays the best moves. Hate it. Please can we have a straight 2 minute bullet option? I would play it all the time. Thanks! Will
Are you having issues with setting up a custom game of 2+0? Pretty sure you will get someone to play consistently as 2+0 is also a popular time control.
Proteenx, Don't ask the guy if "is having issues", just recommend custom 2+0. Seems likely he hadn't thought of it. Good that you did suggest it, but no need to incite flames in the topic groups.
@Dru01 said in #3:
> no need to incite flames in the topic groups.
aCtUaLlY, i DiSaGrEe WiTh ThAt
2+0 should actually be a ready option in pool considering that significant proportion of bullet players like to use that format.

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