
policy against insults?

What is lichens policy against players that have absolute no respect? I got insulted for winning, reported, and the moron is still playing on lichess.
This might help:

I'm pretty soft when it comes to dealing with people insulting others, namely because it's the internet. So if win and someone's screaming me that I'm a dirty cheater... meh, I grin at his typically terrible spelling and leave the game.

Other harsher insults/threats/just stupid things to say are different.

When you report someone, the mods see the report, review the communications of the user and take action (either chat-ban or leave him be) depending on whether they feel the insult deserves any attention.

So, even if the mod who dealt with your report chat-banned him, he'll still get to play on lichess; he just won't be able to chat.

Hope this answers your question.
Lichen's policy is for you to turn chat off, ignore it, block user, make a counter argument insulting your opponent's obese mother, and/or growing thicker skin.
I get disrespected, called a cheat, insulted in more ways than one by the anonymous community all the time. I have yet to come across a user with an account that insults like the anons do. But there are a few users that are not so nice but I would not call it insulting.
Chat ban is a good solution indeed. Thanks for the answers.

I wish those people were marked, though. I don't want to play with some player that insulted another one. There are so many nice players here, lichess can afford to spot the unpleasant ones.

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