
I beat the great "MAGNUS"

@jdwhite42 said in #8:
> hey bro, he's just a 1600 player
> sure he brags, but thats no reason for you to brag back at him. Don't turn into this guy. just be happy with your win. no need to flaunt it in his face.
bruh...we doing this cuz he is bragging that he is a magnus chicken! XD
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@Ben2006Tor I know a lot about rmilin and have replied to many of his posts ;) He takes every opportunity he can get to brag.

i just don't like bragging in general and sure, you beat rmilin. that's kinda cool since he's a notorious bragger. but you don't need to flaunt that win and post it in the forums. plenty of people have beaten him before. good job on the win, but you don't really need to post it in the forums.
sure it's really funny that this guy calls himself magnus when he's 1650 rated but i don't like seeing bragging in the forums. coming from any party.

rmilin = BRAGnus carlsen btw
@jdwhite42 I mean the only reason why he posted it in the first place is because we do not like brats, if he was normal, I am sure he would have not posted it

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