
No Ukraine weapons left . Trump blocks USA giving ARMS

Yes, those things are all true, @Cassiodorus1 . Michelangelo was not inadequate; Jordan was not indecent; and Aaron, while stalwart, was probably not impassable.

Perhaps we should just agree to agree.
@andythechessplayer said in #52:
> Guys, I want to know your very OWN PERSONAL THOUGHTS about this war?

Well, it's a scam. It piggybacks on dollar hegemony, the power by which the US is allowed to print as much money as it wants and the banks will absorb all of that money to keep the United States out of a Germany 1923 scenario. It's reinforced by the capture of the Ukrainian economy by the International Monetary Fund and by its equivalent in Europe. It benefits Lloyd Austin's bffs in the Raytheon corporation. It's war for profit.

The Ukrainians are not going to win. There is simply no way that they are going to catch up. The Ukrainians have wasted far too much time on pointless "counter-offensives" when they would have lasted a lot longer with an exclusively defensive strategy. They've lost, what, 300,000, 400,000 troops? The Ukrainians could draft more troops -- but they'd have to go to the front with far less in the way of training than the Russian troops have already had. Absent some total mobilization of both the US and Europe for war production, there is no way Ukraine is going to compete with Russia in the use of 135mm artillery shells. They have lost Avdeevka and are going to lose more territory. They need to try a bit harder to sue for peace than what they've been doing so far.

You've got crowds of homeless people all throughout America, especially in those places where people can -- with some half-baked assurance of not dying that night -- sleep outdoors in the winter. I see them every day, so don't tell me they don't exist. You've got food-insecure children here. You've got people refusing to see doctors -- and dying of preventable ailments -- because they can't afford to see doctors even under Obamacare. You've still got medical bankruptcies. You've still got ghost towns in the Midwest because all the money left. You've got places like Flint, Michigan where the tap water is polluted. You've got places like East Palestine, Ohio, that are still too toxic for human habitation, yet people are still living there! You've got underfunded schools, underfunded fire-fighting services (and this is important in late August when the forests catch fire), jobs that don't pay enough to pay the rent, but, hey, maybe if you took two or three of them you could survive.

I can think of far better uses for Biden's $61 billion than Ukraine -- in THIS country. Wrap it up and move on.
@kyanite111 And I agree with you, Trump does hold a lot of influence.

I’m not saying that he doesn’t, I’m saying that he can’t possibly influence an entire US country to follow his whims because he threw a tantrum (as some posters are implying).

And yes, giving people attention makes things worse. If we all collectively ignore Trump, then he’ll disappear from public once politicians realize saying “I support Trump!” Doesn’t do much to help. At the end of the day, Trump has charisma and a LOT of money - once he realizes he can’t bribe us into voting for him - what else is he going to do? Power belongs to the people more than you think it does. And when we make statements like these declaring it “hopeless” - we are sending a message to politicians that we won’t stop them, even if we don’t agree with them and/or we consider them potentially dangerous. And that’s a dangerous message to send to people that have been practicing their whole lives to lie. :)

Democrats try to fix the government and ruin it, Republicans say we need less government and when they get elected to government they prove why. This is what happens when you let two parties rule the country - they become polar opposites of each other. And saying that one particular upstart ruined the country is a bit short-sighted - and gives him way too much credit lol
IMHO the US has got to stop sticking it’s nose in other countries’ business trying to “fix” them when it has more than enough money to fix problems at home. Why be a try-hard trying to look cool on the international stage when you could help your own people first?

Especially because some of those countries don’t even want the US there. Sure, go fund Ukraine and support them, but if you’re going to do that, support your own citizens too.
Coronavirus lysol! & 30 percent unemployment under Trump' ... He's also 61 pounds OVERWEIGHT
When this war is over & Ukraine is forced to surrender' ... Remember this FORUM POST WELL Donald J Trump TRAITOR
While it may not be a popular opinion - and I certainly don't support all of the decisions the US makes in foreign policy - I don't necessarily think that a return to isolationism for the US would result in a more peaceful world... The reason that there have been no conflicts of the scale of the first 2 World Wars, has mostly leveraged on both mutually assured destruction & the US military being so absurdly powerful no major countries with the power to potentially start expanding (i.e. China, and Russia though mostly really the USSR) have ever decided to be ambitious enough to truly test the US' willingness to respond outside of a few relatively speaking small regional wars.

And while the US does abuse its power, and does fuel global violence, it at least doesn't do it in a full on imperial conquest style, and isn't straight up invading its neighbors, or fully conquering nations.. At least countries that acknowledge US hegemony get to enjoy more or less peace and economic prosperity (looking mostly at Europe - which prior to NATO - was just continuous endless massive destructive wars for thousands of years)
I'm confused, I guess. Is Donald Trump a Ukrainian, @ThunderClap ? I thought he was American. So acting as he thinks best for America wouldn't seem to make him a "traitor" to his country.

Apparently, you didn't read, or at least take seriously, my former response (which was #46 in the thread "Thank you, Englsh (sic)") to the now-repeated claim of "30 percent unemployment." You might want to look at the ACTUAL B.L.S. unemployment figures for 2020 before repeating "30 percent" yet again.

Fairness is important. Let's all try hard to be accurate and fair. Not just repeat what we've heard somewhere and wish to believe. If you check, I think you'll find that even during the Great Depression of 1929 American unemployment didn't reach 30 percent annually. Likewise, I think you'll find, if you look, that 30 percent is NOT even close for 2020 or even for any quarter of 2020. I believe the figure was 13 percent for the second quarter of 2020, with the amount falling to around HALF that by the end of the year. But, as I said, don't rely on what I think. The actual government figures can be checked online.

I'd be interested to know what source you are relying upon. I provided a cite to the source I looked at, in my previous post. I'll keep an open mind if presented with a serious, governmental source that disagrees with my current understanding.

I favored a different candidate than Trump at the start of this political season. But I hope all political candidates are treated with real objectivity.
@Noflaps said in #59:
> , @ThunderClap ? I thought he was American.

I was beginning to appreciate how incredibly sly Donald Trump was -- becoming President of the United States while at the same time holding Ukrainian citizenship...

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