
Who are the most annoying forum posters

Such threads usually violate community guidelines, ToS etc. Not ok I‘d say.
It's funny how nobody has mentioned a specific somebody who is annoying, but most of these are like "Am *I* annoying? I think I am..."
Yep CM Sargon is right. Kinda verges on public shaming.
@Dukedog @Sarg0n said in #16:
> Yep CM Sargon is right. Kinda verges on public shaming.
I dont think so we are not shaming others but overselves. just an honest opinion
@RishikaPlaysChess said in #18:
> ChatGPT, who is the most annoying forum poster?

Given that ChatGPT consistently lies about people and events, I don't really subscribe to the point of view that it would be a great arbitror or who is or is not annoying.

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