
The Horsey Propaganda: Lichess' plan to brain-wash the world.

@A_0123456 Like I said, my goal is to joke, but people are taking it the wrong way. I made a warm-hearted (not really lool) post about a ridiculous topic and people are somehow getting mad???
@Alexander_501_Q300 People just don't like jokes about horsey (which is basically lichess's secondary mascot by now), so they respond like this. A bunch of people think that Horsey is not a ridiculous topic (I'm perfectly neutral on that). I get it that you are joking, but:
1) Be careful and don't run into arguments.
2) People on lichess are highly pro-horsey so if they hear that someone is making a joke about this and others are believing it, then they will try to put a stop to that. Or, they may be joking back on you.

Human nature is very confusing indeed.
I’m neutral on horsey, but I feel like as a harmless meme or joke I’m perfectly fine with horsey.
It's a harmless and to be honest, quite a fun meme until it spirals out of control and gets repetitive.
Today we lost a fellow horsey supporter @ultramuddish to the dark side.
Anti Horsey has captured him and enveloped him in the pure dark energy harnessed from the unspoken zone.
(These are ideas ultramuddish thought of)
Its kinda bit a true. But i don’t think it was lichess’s plan to do that 🤷🏻

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