
What's the difference between 0+60 and 1+60?

This thread probably should have started in "Feedback" or "General Chess"...

But maybe @XBLAAAA could be more specific what he is asking?

What do you expect, and what did you get instead?

I am really missing the point, and also don't understand what @Passionate_Player means regarding tournaments.
<Comment deleted by user>
> This thread probably should have started in "Feedback" or "General Chess"...
> But maybe XBLAAAA could be more specific what he is asking?
> What do you expect, and what did you get instead?
> I am really missing the point, and also don't understand what Passionate_Player means regarding tournaments.

He probably means you get a minute when you play your first move, and it doesn't mean much of a difference between 0+60 and 1+60 time controls.

regarding tmts, I have seen some people playing 0+60 arenas to boost rating, but no one has done it yet in 1+60.
@Oportunist said in #9:
> they are right,you cant give meanings to numbers as you wish,the question says what is the difference between 0+60 and 1+60,you have to show that 1 is one minute and 60 are seconds in the question,i can also pretend that 1 refers to a century for example,you didnt show that in the question,if led to our imagination 1 could be hour,day ,month,anything you want
Well, I didn't make it clear.
@Passionate_Player said in #10:
> The difference between 0+60 and 1+60 is that you can organize 0+60 tournaments to boost your rating but not 1+60.
Why not?
Few threads make a man want to scratch his pate so much as this one does. Scratch, scratch, scratch.

I take 0+ 60 to mean NO fixed time, but an increment of 60 seconds. (An odd time setting).

I take 1 + 60 to mean 1 minute of fixed time, plus an increment of 60 seconds (an even odder time setting).

If the first of those two has any meaning at all, wouldn't it have to award white 60 seconds as soon as (but not before) white makes his or her first move?

But if so, then the second would start white out with a minute PLUS award him or her another 60 seconds as soon as that first move is made.

So the second of those gives white exactly 60 extra seconds compared to the first. Does it not?

Scratch, scratch, scratch.

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