
Favorite opening as white

Queen's Gambit - English Opening: these are my favourites for now.

Today I'm gonna try the King's Gambit just because it seems funny, after having watched some Daniel King's (ghghg) videos on YouTube of games by Ivanchuck v. Leko and ... Spassky v. Fischer (in their first match)!

Players at my level are always doing the same things. I'd say 80% E4, 19% D4; out of 400 games I had one person trying the Bird Opening I think, and not much else.

When defending, I just love the Sicilian, it is so fascinatingly ambiguous.
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Queen's Gambit is my favourite opening of all, and when my opponent accepts then mostly I win.
Well other than Queen's Gambit, my second favourite opening is the Bird Opening which I started playing few months ago and it has a good success rate.
If someone accepts the gabmit you will surely have a high win chance if he didn't then nothing will happen
Queen's Gambit - English Opening - King's Gambit - King's Pawn
Those are some of my favorite openings
It depends on which opening I answer with, I play different lines
" I don't want to change opening but wanted to know the traps and suggestions of opening."

My suggestion, for what it's worth, is to avoid learning trap lines to set. While it's important to recognise and avoid walking into traps, in most cases if your opponent avoids the trap they end up in a better position. People will often memorise traps to set, with no idea of why they're really making the moves (other than setting a trap) - you'll find it much better for your development to just play good moves and understanding what's happening on the board.

In terms of openings for white to suggest, what you're really looking for is an opening repertoire for white. You'll have to first decide whether you want to play one of the main moves (1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4 or nf3, or something else). There's a number of replies that Black can make though and it's tough to suggest a repertoire out-of-the-blue without knowing what you're looking for.

If you can describe what types of positions you like, it will help us to help you. Most importantly would be the pawn center types that you like (closed, open, dynamic, mobile, fixed). Do you prefer a solid position or one with more complicated attacking chances for both sides? Do you like having a space advantage, the bishop pair, a strong initiative, a fianchettoed bishop, attacks on the kingside, opposite side castling, attacking down certain files, etc.? Do you prefer going for quick knockout attacks (and sometimes failing spectacularly), slower attacking lines, slow maneuvering games, or games that simplify into an endgame where you outplay your opponent?

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