
Operation Save America

@pretzelattack1 said in #40:
> Sanders the guy who was either threatened or bribed into acceding to first Hilary Clinton's theft of the primaries via the DNC in 2016, and then Obama's in 2020. Trump might be saner on the Ukraine war, but he is equally blind on war with China, trotting out all the same bs excuses about supporting freedom and democracy the US typically has used since Korea. The US is losing control over the world order that fell into its lap at the end of World War 2, as the BRICS nations slowly rise, and the genocide that both Biden and Trump support in Gaza is playing a part, an appalling cost indeed. The US, like Biden's dementia, is exposed before the world.

Normal, since they have internal crises that are never completely resolved!

Apparently, anyone can buy guns as long as they can afford them, not just by a meeting under a bridge with a paper bag for the money. So, if in a country, your neighbor can own a gun simply because he feels the need, there is clearly a problem with internal security.

Also the bigs problems of racism are regular and don't help to reach a popular unity...

so what diplomacy do you hope for if the country is gradually deteriorating and inequalities are increasing ?
let's see, on July 13th an assassination attempt was made on Trump, today a doddering Biden finally bows to the inevitable, what is going to happen next. Meanwhile the ICJ is slowly proceeding in its attempt to hold Israel accountable for genocide. Nobody is talking about taking on Israel's main supporter, the US, yet, maybe because it threatened to invade if an American is arrested, as Pinochet eventually was, for war crimes backed by the United States.
@Noflaps said in #28:

Trump thought it was safe to inject bleech, which nobody would think if they know what it is.

Here's a link to the interview:

Hence he does not know what it is.

I'd say high school students know it's bad to inject bleech.
Is there anyone here who'd be willing to post this on their reddit/facebook/instagram accounts? I don't have any of those, and I doubt my parents would let me.
lol Taylor swift for prez would Garner a lot of swiftie hate
@Raspberry_yoghurt , Trump DID NOT tell anybody to "inject bleach." I WATCHED that famous presser the day it took place.

Trump was in the middle of the pandemic, tired, and trying to make the point that things were not hopeless and that researchers / doctors could be looking into various possibilities TO SEE IF THEY MIGHT WORK.

He didn't use the word "bleach." Period. You might wish to re-watch the video you provided, and look for the word.

And he was musing about what RESEARCHERS / DOCTORS MIGHT look into -- he was NOT telling the public what THEY should do.

It is so tiring to meet the same claims over and over and over and over and over again. The "inject bleach" silliness was apparently inspired by some in the media. You might wish to consider that. Are all in the media unfailingly objective and accurate?
>Prenez un cercle, caressez-le, il deviendra vicieux.

[Eugène Ionesco]
@Noflaps said in #48:
> ...

If you can watch this video and still can rationalise Trumps words as not being completely ignorant idk what can be done.

Sure, he didn't directly told people to inject themselves with bleach. You are technically correct, the word "bleach" was not used. Great point. you win. He did indeed proved his ignorance of basic medicine without using the word bleach.

Do you really think you can conceal the blatant incompetency we see in this video by putting the focus on one inaccurate formulation? Or do you yourself not see it because you are too busy nitpicking about the words people use when they point out obvious crap of Trump?

That's not compatible with objectivity. you seem to use this word really lightly.

Trump saying that to a doctor is me asking Hussein Bolt if it might be a good idea to smoke right before runing a 100 meter. and insisting that it sounds interesting. As the president of the USA. On camera.

And when someone calls bullshit, some other come to preach :


Oh and as a bonus :

@Noflaps said in #28:
> "Trump for instance doesn't know what bleech is for instance." (sic)
> He not only knows what it is, he knows how to spell the word.

@Noflaps said in #32:
> Why not focus upon substance rather than upon easily discounted personal attacks?

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