
People excluded from top 10 list?

I was looking at the top rated classical players and noticed the second place player has a rating of 2390 but lovlas has a rating of 2472 so he should be second. I also noticed Kuuhaku_1 has a bullet rating of 3124 which would put him top of the bullet ratings but he isnt on it for some reason. These arent provisional ratings btw.

Is this a bug or is it some feature im not aware of?
He's not ranked, meaning he hasn't played classical games in a while. The leaderboard is based on the rank, not the rating, meaning if you're not actively playing that time control or variant, you lose your spot. If Luvlas played a few classical games, he'd get his rank back and therefore get on the leaderboard.
Also keep in mind that rating score fluctuates a bit. We have had an inflation a while back so some old ratings might be over what they would be now.

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