
Friends List

Lichess is my favorite chess website, but I have never understood why I can't see a list of all the people I am following. You can only see their page if they are online, otherwise you have to search for them manually. If I want to see my friends' games, or challenge them, wouldn't it be easier to have a friends list feature?
I think every one using a computer can see friends online ... bottom right side of their computer browser.

The only way I know that you will not see that "friends online" list is if your browser is not maximized.
Maximize your browser or press the function key F11 to zoom and look down on the right corner of your screen.

The friends online list also disappears when you right click on the browser to enable Menu Bar (when your not maximised.)
None of them are online, so no friends in the list will be there until they are on line.
He still has not responded to say ... if he sees a bar on the bottom right and if he see it when his browser is maximized.

Can't help more than that.
Thanks for your help! I see the "0 friends online" tab in my browser, what I was looking for was what orlin614 posted. Maybe I'm the only one, but I like being able to go to my friends' profiles (to check their games, or to challenge them to one) when they aren't online. So the "X Friends online" tab doesn't always do a ton for me.
glad I could help, to get to that page you need to go to your profile and click on number of your followers and then it's gonna say "n followers and & n following" there you click the "n following" link

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