
1280 puzzle - puzzle continues too long

I just got this puzzle wrong in puzzle storm:
the start is easy but after Rc5 Kg6,Rxd5 Bxg7 you need to play Kg8, other King moves are considered an error. While I can see that now and Stockfish gives 0.00 after Ke8, that doesnt correspond with a 1280 rating for this puzzle. I would prefer stop the puzzle after Rxd5.
Any thoughts, and is there a way to give this feedback besides giving the puzzle a thumbs down?
"The puzzles system on Lichess has always used exactly the same rating system as games, Glicko2. Every puzzle attempt is a
“game” between you and the puzzle. If you get it right you win, and take your ratings points as the prize. If you get it wrong, the
puzzle walks away victorious."
--From NoJoke's blog post

While that king move does seem a tad advanced for a 1200s puzzle to me as well, puzzle rating is purely a function of results, not perceived difficulty. Puzzle ME2Qx, for instance, is certainly easier than the one you provided (it's a mate in 1), yet has a rating of 1691.
thanks clousems, that makes sense and I hadn't read that blog. I guess puzzle storm results do skew the ratings for easier puzzles because stronger players would never see easy puzzles in regular puzzle sessions, but probably offset by the fact that you try to solve them as quickly as possible.

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