

Why Lichess approved me that I was a streamer but I didn't have the streamer icon on my profile. Please explain to me!
@chess-funny You must do at least one full stream that is at least 30 minutes long before lichess will recognize your streamer page and give you the icon. Otherwise there would be a bunch of kids with no interest in streaming getting a streamer page for the sake of the icon.
@ChessMathNerd so at least 30 minutes streaming I will get a green form in the left says I am streaming and the streamer icon right?
@chess-funny Yes, if you stream on lichess. You get the green thing immediately but the stream has to last at least 30 minutes for you to get the icon.
@chess-funny Also, one more thing. You might wanna do 1 hour if you are a cautious type of person. I am 99% sure its 30 minutes but I am not 100% sure.
@chess-funny It appears only while you are streaming. If you are in a game or a tournament it will appear there. It will also appear in the timeline of all your followers. When you stop streaming, the green thing will disappear.

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