
I am 2000+ but still feel bad, how can i improve?

Your rapid rating 150 points below your bullet rating is clearly indicating, that you play too fast with longer time controls, as mentioned by @tpr.

Everybody wants a higher rating, but targets should be related to chess. Use your time properly, don't rush. Exercise tactics. Expand your opening repertoire. Learn a certain endgame (for instance KQ vs KR). Things like that.
Your biggest weakness is the "need" to improve. You great just the way you are, there's no need to become better.
@Funkmaus WOW what a great post, thank you for that one, i totally agree.
People really need to stop to obsess over imaginary points. Just play for fun and realize that ratings are only a tool to match you with opponents on your level.
Chess is 99% tactics - Teichmann
You have to train tactics, but you also have to grow a form of tactical awareness
In a puzzle you know there is some tactic, but in a real game no one tells you if there is one
In the following game with ...Ne5 you solve the white problem of developing Bc1 and at the same time you create yourself the skewer along the diagonal h2-b8. Again you had plenty of time.
i too am a 2100 and feel ashamed how i play... i think its normal.. we will never be satisfied with how we play this game... our hunger for blood is too strong, we have drank so much of the rating pool we are accustomed to be drinking out of skulls of our opponents while the other 90% drinks muddy water and yet we want to be drinking out of the finer crystal the top 5% we know we are not worthy but are just barbarians trying to emulate finer society
@SucheSchachfreund so teach it you don't need a certain level to convey what you understand to someone who doesn't grasp what you know... sure things may pop off to which you cant explain but there in lies the teaching moment ... does someone whose a relationship counselor need to be married.. i think not... does a captain that steers a ship need to have driven every boat... but more importantly will morgan freeman ever be in a good movie??
@sameartist As an 14 year old with a 2300 rating who progresses very fast, i would recommend stop playing bullet, do not play too much blitz, play more rapid an classical. Because in short time controls, you do not learn much. Do tactics, if you don't have a trainer yet, get one. Analyze your games if you are not doing it already. Also i still feel not a super strong player, even though i feel better about my level then I felt before because there are less stronger players than me than before. It is normal to make blunders at 2050, there are still lots of blunders at my level.
@Darksouls I don't want to get in the situation where my student asks me what move is best and I don't know at all, I already taught a lot of people chess OTB but online standards are much higher, people expect you to know what you are talking about. I could already teach endgames and attacks but I lack a lot of understanding concerning the middlegame and strategy.

@no_onecanbeatme lucky you I wish I could have learned it your age, it's a lot harder to do so later

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