
Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more

@SamanyayGhosh said in #14:
> Your rating is 1897 but no way you can be puzzle be 3000+ its too much this rating can be done by only cheatimg only titled players can go up to that or if you have a ration 2400+ ..
I have not played a single rapid game since some months but still I do puzzles everyday, so it illogical as I not playing and just doing puzzles
Also, I have quit rapid and will only play classical on Lichess
@helloworld_1064 said in #26:
> Seriously, I also have a rating of 2700-2800 on by fair means.

Yep, that is consistent with the 2200-2300 you had on Lichess before your meteoric rise. On puzzle ratings are distributed with a wider range than here, so easy ones are rated lower and difficult ones are rated higher. My own puzzle rating on is also 500 points higher than on Lichess.

> And by the way, increasing rating on Lichess is easy as doesn't give >20 points on a puzzle but you can increase your rating on lichess by doing Harder-Hardest puzzles

Solving harder and hardest puzzles gives you many rating points, the difficulty is not to fail the vast majority of them. I had a look at your profile, and it seems you turned on hard/hardest mode on May 13 where you went from 2312 to 2412 with 21 wins and 37 losses. This is certainly a respectable result.

However on the next day you gained over 700 points with 38 wins and 13 losses, and that looks really suspicious. Having tackled a few hundred 2800+ puzzles on Lichess myself, I know that every one of these exercises is a challenge, and quite often I am completely at a loss for several minutes before I can even figure out what is going on. Calculating the right moves is difficult, and guessing usually gives you far less than a 50% success chance because there are often several plausible alternatives, or the real problem is to find a hidden resource for your opponent that needs to be warded off.

In conclusion, your May 14 results look highly implausible, and you will have to accept that both the forum software and users treat them as such, whether you actually cheated or not.
@helloworld_1064 said in #26:
> Seriously, I also have a rating of 2700-2800 on by fair means. And by the way, increasing rating on Lichess is easy as doesn't give >20 points on a puzzle but you can increase your rating on lichess by doing Harder-Hardest puzzles

Honestly? At the higher levels of puzzles it's generally easier than Lichess puzzles.

I'd expect a 3000+ puzzle rating to also be a 3000+ puzzle rating on

Increasing rating on Lichess is not easy - if you mess up, it's done for.

I'm not saying that you can't get 3000+ in puzzles. But if you want it to show, you have to get your rating to match.
@greenteakitten said in #35:
> I'm not saying that you can't get 3000+ in puzzles. But if you want it to show, you have to get your rating to match.

I think that's pretty tough to do (as my own experience has seemed to show).
so, what should I do, Sandbag my puzzle rating or increase my classical rating.
Also, my peak puzzle rating on is 3067, but recently my rating decreased by 100 points so It is 2700-2800 currently
@helloworld_1064 said in #37:
> so, what should I do, Sandbag my puzzle rating or increase my classical rating.
Or just learn to live with your puzzle rating not being shown to others.

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