
Feature Request: Filtering games by accuracy when searching for games

It would also be a good feature if you could also filter games by accuracy when searching for games. Then it would be easy to find games with the highest accuracy!

In this thread , @Nihar_Raju_23 asked about games with the highest accuracy out of curiosity. And sometimes you want to know that yourself. And if you've already made a lot of games and don't know exactly, a feature like this would be nice.
Just look for games where you play the London Opening and nothing ever happens.
@Toadofsky said in #2:
> Just look for games where you play the London Opening and nothing ever happens.

Yeah, you are absolutely right. It would be nice too to sort, filter the games by opening.
Great request!

I don't quite understand what this has to do with being able to filter games by accuracy.
In these games, the opponent left the game or quickly left a piece hanging. I'm not even talking about that.
my point is that filtering by accuracy, similarly to acpl, is useless. filtering by accuracy will reinforce the mistaken idea that high accuracy somehow means a well-played game; when it instead usually means the game was very short or your opponent blundered early. what is worse, it will definitely lead to cheating accusations.

numbers like acpl and accuracy can only become more useful if you average them over several games, like it is done in your insights. filtering by them is the opposite of what you want to do, pretty much always.
Furthermore, "accuracy" numbers are merely first-order estimations. If you want precise estimates you'll need to analyze the games yourself.
I think that people can already judge when accuracy is meaningful and when it is not. It's clear that accuracy doesn't matter if the opponent has left the game or is leaving something hanging. Or the game doesn't come out of the opening. You should think people are that smart. But if you play a game with 20 - 40 or more moves, the accuracy can give some clues.
And in #1 I wrote why I think such a feature is nice. That's what it's all about for me.
@Toadofsky said in #8:
> Furthermore, "accuracy" numbers are merely first-order estimations. If you want precise estimates you'll need to analyze the games yourself.

That's not what my request was about, please read #1 again! And #9 too!

For me, as mentioned in #1, it's about having a way to filter your games by accuracy because you're curious or want to watch those games again or learn from them or because you just enjoy them, like the thread Creator I mentioned in #1.
And of course, games with a few moves or in which pieces are left hanging have no meaning. But that should be clear to everyone! It's logical, isn't it?

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