
a Bug in the puzzle

So i found bug in this puzzle :

After 1.Bxa6 bxa6 2.b5 d4 White has 2 winning moves, and only 3.b6 wins the puzzle, my engine in the analyse shows that 3.bxc6 wins equaly good.

Please take this puzzle out of the stock, i feel bad that im doing the puzzle good and get - points :<
3. bxc6 Be4
4. c7 Bb7

Your advancing pawn is now effectively stopped and all your white pawns can be blocked, leaving black with a white bishop who can take out your g and h pawns leaving black to advance those pawns and win the game.

Or at least that's how I see it.
After bb7 there is another line @OzzieTezz.
It goes:
c6 Bc8 exd4 Kf7 Kf2 Ke8 Ke3 Ke7 Ke4 Ke8 Kd3 Ke7 Kc4 Ke8 Kc5 Ke7 Kb6 Ke8 Ka7 Ke7 Kb8 Bd7 Cxd7 Kxd7 c8=Q+ which is winning for white....
But, b6 does it faster, so it is theoretically better, even if the evaluation is the same......
Just like sd_2709 wrote , after 4...Bb7 i have 5.c6 Bc8 5.exd4 and black is completely paralysed, they can only move the king back and forth now. and white will simply go to b8 with the king. This example has 2 solutions, i choose a winning solution, like a hardly winning solution and it said it's wrong. But it's not wrong, that's the bug. Just please take it out of the stock
The first move I thought of was bishop xa6, bxa6, and then b5 then the engine played d4 and I took the pawn and that is where I messed up... I don't get why I cannot take the pawn because still I will be able to promote... I think that is the bug
@UnSospiro123lol said in #5:
> @Blitzek
> The first move I thought of was bishop xa6, bxa6, and then b5 then the engine played d4 and I took the pawn and that is where I messed up... I don't get why I cannot take the pawn because still I will be able to promote... I think that is the bug

I mean the point is that both b6 and bxc6 win for white, the only move thata doesnt win is bxa6, because after that black plays d3 kf2 d2 ke2 Bd3+! and you have to take the pawn , kxd2 , and black captures on a6 and wins

But both b6 and bxc6 instead of bxa6 win for white and this is why i dont like that puzzle and i think its wrong to have it

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