
How to Practice Mating More Quickly

Hey, I have a LOT of won games that, in the end, look something like this:

Has anyone ever practiced mating an open king at the end of a winning game? Like, problem sets specifically for this? Sometimes it'll go on and on and on for 15 or 25 moves when there's a mate in 2 or 3 (or even 1) the whole time. I don't play bullet so I've never been too concerned about it, but I think studying this topic would be helpful in general.
Set up positions which are clearly winning and play them against the computer with no time control. Take the time to find the best moves. Analyze afterwards and find out what you could have done better. Do this two or three times a day for a week.
When you've two queens on the board and a few seconds on the clock, it doesn't matter what the computer says about the fastest checkmating sequence, your priority should be not to blunder like Qb3?? luckily for you the opponent didn't capture your queen there. The computer doesn't even count that as an inaccuracy let alone a blunder, because from the computer's perspective the position is still completely winning (checkmate in 40!) but I think it's fair to say you'd probably lost that game on time if your opponent had taken one of your queens.

But yes apart from general tactics and combinations it's important to practice specific mating patterns and king + pawn/piece vs king+ pawn/piece scenarios.
@JasonNewst Yeah, it's just a misclick instead of Qa2. "Don't misclick" and "don't blunder" are about equally useful tips, thanks.

Anyone know of a large training set of these positions that's free?
There are problems exactly like what you're requesting on this website under Learn -> Practice -> Piece Checkmates

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