
Share Your Opening Repertoire! :D

i seem to be playing beginner opening but, i do this to play mind games with my opponent and win hehe :-)
I used to be a tactical player but I am going for more positional openings these days so against d4 the Slav and QGD and against e4 the Carro-Kan and the accelerated-dragon and sveshnikov-sicillian against e4
I'm more into the Sicilian and Pirc defence against e4
White: 1 e4
Sicilian: Open
French: Tarrasch
Caro-Kann: 1. e4, 2. d4, 3. Nd2
Classical e5: Scotch or Ruy depending on my mood
Black Against 1. e4
Classical e5 and Breyer in the Ruy
Black Against 1. d4
Classical d5 - QGD
Start with e6 and d5, then go from there

White :
1.d4 London System with 2.Bf4
Other openings I work on without playing it in serious games for the moment : Queen Gambit, English Botvinnik System
For fun : Colle System, Colle-Zukertort, Stonewall Attack, Bird Reversed Dutch,
For big fun : e4, center gambit or Scotch, or vienna, and Nimzo-Larsen.

Black :
against d4 or c4 or Nf3, Classical Dutch (Stonewall sometimes, or Leningrad in some cases)
Sometimes : Slav defense as a reversed Colle or London
I also look on Queen's Indian without playing it for the moment

against e4 : Philidor Lion
Work on French but didn't play it in serious games, interested in Sicilian Scheveningen and Najdorf, but also did't play it seriously.
For fun : Pirc, Caro-Kann
Big Fun : Petrov defense, Scandinavian, Italian and Spanish.
now while I don't have a great repertoire, I still have something similar to @Furo951
@FunnyAnimatorJimTV I am also following somewhat similar @gingergm repertoire. ;D
Queen's Gambit(been a while since I played it though),
something like the classical Dutch,
London System.

Philidor Lion,
Also I am thinking about trying something similar to the London System, but played by Black.
For white: Zukertort-Phoenix Attack (d4, nf3, e3, b3, bd3, b3, bb2 etc)
Black: Winawer French, Gruenfeld
Yes, in part. I learnt a lot from videos of GingerGM, but also with those of the "other" Jim (Jim's Chess Channel on YouTube).

I don't play Winaver variation in the French Defense, and I'm not a fan of the dragon in the Sicilian. I'm more interested into Scheveningen.
The Killer d4 Queen's Gambit, I learn it for another reason : for the student of a small section of a club who I teach chess basics. I want my Kids students to improve and éventually be prepared to take lessons with a professional trainer of the club (IM Elda on Lichess) who plays Queen'gambit and French Defense.

The reasons I play this repertoire : I play chess in France and most French players didn't know GingerGM and plans he tecaches in his videos, and sometimes, they don't understand anything about the Lion or the London System.
I played the London before watching Ginger GM, and also the Philidor with Nbd7. Ginger GM'vids helps me in the move order and the understanding of plans.
The Dutch, clearly, I took it from GingerGM, because I was looking for an opening that most club level players didn't know or play often. The same with the English Botvinnik.
Scottish-sometimes scottish gambit-
as e4 player,i face a lot c5-i always play morra Gamibt
against e4:sicilian,hyperaccelerated dragon...
against d4:Dutch stonewall

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