
When you don't know En Passant...

In the game, on move 22, my opponent thought that, after 22. Qh4, 22.g4, 23. Qg3, 23. Ne7+ , they would lose their queen.

If they had known about En Passant, after, 22.g4, they could have played 23.fxg6, leading to a winning position!
Why not just 23.Qe1? Also, if you're going to lose your queen, why not take the bishop/knight to maximize compensation?
@PiqiTheGamerDog said in #3:
> If en passant didn't exist in this game, I would've gotten checkmated:
when you thought you were about to checkmate but when u realized something is wrong...
@PiqiTheGamerDog said in #3:
> If en passant didn't exist in this game, I would've gotten checkmated:
Your opponent: Haha checkmate!
Your opponent: Wait, why didn't the game end?
You: *plays en passsant*
Your opponent: *screaming intensifies*
@PiqiTheGamerDog said in #3:
> If en passant didn't exist in this game, I would've gotten checkmated:
sheeeeshhh u got very lucky

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