
Will America Once Again Vote Trump!?? Or Are The American People Tired Of MAGA?

One very real question on everyone's mind is whether or not the American populace will reelect their Glorious Nationalistic Tyrant or perhaps America will once again vote for a vision of mainstream lukewarm liberal mediocrity while Trump returns to a lifestyle of lurking around fast food joints such as Applebee's looking to score with an underpaid waitress by yelling at the top of his lungs when any waitress bends over, "I'D BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR!!!," while local kids taunt him by saying, "How's it HANGING, Mr President!??" ....Isn't Democracy a beautiful thing.

Though the focus of media outlets is always narrowly pinpointing "How America FEEEELS" as if America was a teenage girl with emotional problems, the REAL question that we should all be asking is whether or not we as a society should maintain a system of government in which the 'common man,' who keep in my mind is practically speaking nothing more than the degenerate progeny of pirates and whores, should be entrusted in making VERY REAL WORLD decisions about who ought to run the world?????

Let's briefly take a look at what Democracy really is....

"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide." - John Adams

"A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way." - Benjamin Franklin

"Too many... love pure democracy dearly. They seem not to consider that pure democracy, like pure rum, easily produces intoxication, and with it a thousand mad pranks and fooleries.”
- John Jay

These are all quotes from some founders of American Democracy. Even Plato, an ancient Greek, believed that what the majority believed was almost always WRONG!!

Imagine how ridiculous it would be to be in a Math class in which the students voted on how to do the Math problems instead of listening to the Professor!
Imagine how ridiculous it would be to have medical patients voting on how to do the operation instead of relying on the surgeons steady hand and education!

When the plane is going down....people don't look within themselves for some innate and mystical knowledge to guide them to land the plane safely....THEY RELY ON THE PILOT!!!

People seem to be less arrogant in a situation of crisis but all too pompously arrogant when things are going well....that's why in times of crisis the 'common man' turns to a strong man, but in times of luxurious plenty with lots of food, money, and adequate working conditions the 'common man' in all of his self-glorified arrogance starts thinking MAYBE "HE" can do a better job running the world than the secret societies, Roman Catholic Church, and sacred bloodlines that have run the world for thousands of years!

The workers of a cooperation do not elect their superiors. Why not? Because that would be INSANE!
Military infantry men do not elect their officers. Why not? Because that would be INSANE!
Students do not elect their professors. Why not? Because that would be INSANE!
Parishioners do not elect their Priests and Bishops and Cardinals and Popes. Why not? Because that would be INSANE!

Why is it INSANE? Simple!!'s because entrusting people to do something of which they are ENTIRELY unqualified in every way to do is by definition insane or at least irresponsible and reckless!

So....where does this leave us? Should we go vote for "HillDog" or Bernie "FEEL MY BURN" Sanders or some other parasite?...NO! We should go back to a simpler time....a more noble time.....a far MORE responsible time in which families like mine and others of sacred bloodlines and papal authority ruled the world. It is time for Democracy to come an end a time for Aristocratic families to once again take what is rightfully ours! If Trump and Obama have taught us anything then they have certainly taught us that!

How so? Are you refuting the quotes provided? Are you refuting any of the hypotheses provided?? Are you mad because you're a Trump or Hillary supporter and you can clearly see now how both sides leave you in ABJECT FAILURE!???
If another authority exists concerning our understanding of God that is NOT the Holy Church, then please let me know what this mysterious source is so that we can "proclaim it from the mountaintops!"
If another TRUE AUTHORITY exists within man's relation to one another that is not based on Aristocratic bloodlines and traditional PAPAL-DECLARATIONS-OF-RULING then by all means @Celestial_Object share it with the rest of us.....because to my knowledge no other legitimate claim to rule this world has ever been made!

You are either too arrogant to be a Roman Catholic.....or you are too arrogant to submit to your social is a disgrace to God in each case because you either must submit or break a collective covenant with the divine....or perhaps you're too arrogant to do which is it??

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