
The future of chess

However how are u gonna understand the endgame
if u dont even know if your opponent its gonna castle kingside or queenside, and the endgame its about the
position of the king, that is checkmate with half the board
empty or more exchanges done, (kings and pawns for example)
So u can not understand the endgame because there is not
such a thing as an endgame.
There are endgames
And probably they even have a hard time to classify them,
because tablebases do not include middlegame checkmates which is an endgame.
So I would say which is the future of such position
One by one.
And without getting smart,each position Its a seed of a future tree, but that can be said because there are forced sequences sometimes, sometimes.
So, there are two different questions,
I answered the human one but I see u also asked the
computer one, I did not have the time to look at that
@tpr gave u a nice answer according to tablebases.
Its good to not mix both things, computer play and
Human play are two different endeavours.
One needs to be really really strong to take benefits of computers, there is a big learning curve first
and probably tablebases are mostly due to raw power,
I have not checked that.
Anyway thats theory
So I answered the future of chess for a player.
Maybe you begin with answering an easy? question:

A knight on e4 ..can reach 8 squares in one draw.
How many squares can he reach with two draws?

Of course on an empty board.
If the game is a draw, theoretically maybe then the
best game its the shortest draw like the shortest path.
(not agreed daws).

However that is extremely unlikely because that means
there is no win with best play out of the billions.
But logic is logic and in the other hand u can "imagine"
millions of positions that are draw due to equal material.
So maybe for a supermind its extremely unlikely a win as
well due to the same material, Its unknown territory
So the question is half a tempo, more than a piece or a win,
Its chess that dinnamic, but it may compound
Im still a beginner so no more tips.
Truth is extremely unlikely black can make a forced win,
White has about 20 moves in the first position I think.
There is a really nice video regarding the question if computers are able to solve chess any time, unfortunately it is in german:

To solve chess a computer has to store every single game somewhere. But there are 10^120 possible chess games, which exceeds the number of electrons in the universe (10^79). So, even if it would be possible to store informations on a single electron, there a simply not enough data storage divices to make it possible.

Therefore it won't be possible for computers to solve chess any time soon and there is a good chance, that it will never happen.
As a joke I like to think that the player that castles second has
the advantage, I always thought the contrary and still perhaps.
U see if half a tempo means u have the rooks connected first
maybe its not half a tempo
Maybe the answer is like 17 versus 16 pieces theoretically
with best play for white, that is with incredible initiative,
not being Morphy but incredible initiative
but due to exchanges, checkmate, stalemate the power of the king.
Maybe best play is something like a knight and a king versus a king that gives u a draw, but that can be complete nonsense.
I think its all in the strict sense about having material advantage but at the beginning, so that it can compound,
Morphy style, kasparov style or the endgames (but they use book) Fischer.
I have no clue about endgames but I foresee too many draws.
How to use the half tempo in the myriad of positions
without getting a blocked pawn chain.
I think it has to be an open position like the scotch,
since the material is equal u need the space time advantageto win to make triple threats.
Its about making threats without making exchanges as soon as possible, a combination of those qualities, Alekhine
u cant write that in a book of knowledge openings
But no matter how much u know or how little there are too many positions to analyze.

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