
Who will they replace Biden with before the election?

@clousems Looks like you don't even know what a logical fallacy is. Jesus, it's hard to believe how many dumb people there are on a chess-playing site.
I am familiar with logical fallacies. I used to tutor in rhetoric.

The implication of post 24 (and backed up by your doubling down in 29) is that you believe that a lack of self-penned evidence is equivalent to a lack of evidence. This is, of course, a false equivalence. The fact that our good friend @Thalassokrator did not author a massive composition detailing all of Trump's false statements has nothing to do with whether or not Trump made false statements.

I suspect his lack of response was due to his realization that nothing more needed to be said-- if you believe that one man relying on a source, rather than writing his own version of events, bolsters your claim, then you are likely not relying on logic, but rather something akin to religion or faith-- something which can be believed in despite evidence to the contrary. If that is the case, then he, of course, stands no chance of convincing you to change your beliefs.

@spindriftdrinker said in #31:
> @clousems Looks like you don't even know what a logical fallacy is. Jesus, it's hard to believe how many dumb people there are on a chess-playing site.

For what it is worth, this contains multiple logical fallacies. There's the ad hominem ("Jesus, it's hard to believe how many dumb people there are on a chess-playing site."), and the run of the mill non-sequitur ("Looks like you don't even know what a logical fallacy is").

Perhaps YOU are the one who doesn't know what a logical fallacy is, based on your post.
@spindriftdrinker said in #15:
One problem with you Democrats are that since you people are always in an echo chamber, you have no practice in logic.

"You Democrats" huh?

I'm not a Democrat, and in many ways my political views and yours are probably similar, but I know that Trump lies :)

I'm sure you are familiar with politics. People lie all the time to get followers.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't replace Biden - I'd replace them both! :)
Hear me out when I say that all (ok, not all, but a lot of) politicians lie, Trump is not unique in this. But arguing as to whether or not he does is irrelevant in a thread about a Democrat replacement for Biden.

Edit: they should replace Biden with my grandma. World peace in 2 hours guaranteed
Okay, then how about we replace Trump with *my* Grandma?

I think they'll get along famously! We won't even need a debate, we'll get co-presidents!
@greenteakitten Groan...OK let's get real for a moment. I appreciate your comment, honestly. No politician is 100% honest, obviously. Trump's most significant lie is his claim to have built hundreds of miles of new border wall. The fact is, he was, sadly only able to build a few miles of new border wall - the rest was refurbished old wall. Both parties blocked him, and he didn't want to admit failure, which is something he hates doing.

Let's put this in context. Trump is one thousand times more honest than Joe Biden or any Democrat in Congress. That's a demonstrable fact and I will gladly prove that on a case by case basis.

Joe Biden's lies are so numerous and so frequent, nobody can even keep track of them - "Inflation was 9% when my term started" - even CNN called out that lie, and they are the Democrat Party's number one propaganda arm. "Cannibals ate my Uncle Bosey". "Hunter's laptop was a Russian hoax". "Blacks invented the light bulb". "Mitt Romney is gonna put blacks back in chains". Corn Pop.

The only thing he was ever honest about in the last ten years was extorting Ukraine to fire their prosecutor Shokhin, who was looking into his son's employer, Burisma Energy.
@greenteakitten By the way, that washington post list of supposed "30,000 Trump lies" is laughable garbage.

I looked at it once. The first one I saw was something about Trump claiming "People love Melania".

No, that's not a "lie". If you think it is a "lie" you don't even know the meaning of the word. That is an "opinion". Some people love Melania, some don't.
And does it really matter who lies more if we're in a forum about replacing Biden? @spindriftdrinker

I never said Biden doesn't lie, or that Trump lies more or less. If you check left-leaning sources, they are more likely to fact-check Trump, right-leaning sources are more likely to fact-check Biden.

If you checked the link I sent you, you would have seen that nobody can keep track of Trump's lies either :)

That guy isn't honest. He just has the ability to speak his mind at all times, even when his mind is, for example, racist.