
Member of our academy was unfairly banned for play to his normal standard in our club championship.

His own appeal is just ignored. He is a good player, he has a GM-norm already. Banned for unspectacular games and performance. What can I do? (I lost to him btw.)
@JacobAagaard said in #1:
> His own appeal is just ignored. He is a good player, he has a GM-norm already. Banned for unspectacular games and performance. What can I do? (I lost to him btw.)
bro really
<Comment deleted by user>
just cause you have a good name, doesn't mean you'll never cheat. I've seen many people cheating of whom you would not believe it.

@MunichEast by the way, there are successful appeals.
You went through all their games of the last 6 months, and cross-checked their T1/T2/T3 engine match + blunder frequency + time management + whatever else with what would be expected of a player of their strength? Since you are so sure they didn't do anything wrong
Hello - we try to respond to all appeals within 72 hours, but depending on volume and complexity this can sometimes be slower or faster.

Lichess does not share any information about bans or appeals with third parties, therefore all the player can do is wait for a reply.

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