
After I played this particular game some random guy accused me of cheating. Any other opinions?

If the Lichess detection system thinks the same, I'm waiting to be banned, if not, then some random guy should apologise.
Or you can ignore him and move on with your life.
You got a cheater in the party, he's blacklisted. He blundered a Queen you punished him justly.
Honestly, your opponent played so badly that it's difficult to tell if you cheated or not. Clearly, it would not have affected the outcome of the game.
I would ban who reports for 3 consecutive times without any reason.Example: player A plays with player B,C and D. A reports all of them,lichess moderation system controls the game,it finds out that neither B nor C nor D cheated. Result: player A is banned with written: "This player makes false accusations". Report should be used only in extreme cases when you are sure at least 99% your opponent cheated,instead nowadays everyone reports everyone. "I lost so i report you",lol.
Well, if you cheated then you cheated, if you didn't then you didn't. If you know you didn't cheat then he should apologise regardless of lichess cheat detection.
Well of course, closing the account won't do anything sir! I theorize that you got a CHEATER tag and you closed the account? Perhaps.

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