
Chess brings me unhappiness

@RationalisedInteger said in #24:
> Plus yall needa learn some chess, especially alijeba,rainbow pink lover and yall noobs

I am a noob in chess, yes, but only those who insult are truly the noobs in life.
@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #20:
> What a trash! Really if I knew you in real life, I would have picked you up and put you in trash instead and a person who belongs to the trash is never better than good people.

I feel you and understand your feelings and I should say that to me instead as sometimes the control myself part goes loose . But silence is the key, the antidote against such and leaves them in a bad emotional state.
Also, don't forget. It could be a child.


For me she/he make me laugh to be real but interact on such childish remarks I slowly learned to Not do it anymore.
"The best answer to anger is silence." Marcus Aurelius. I'm into Stoic literature lately..
In attempt to escape this reality....
To answer topic, without chess I would be desperate, I have my good and bad day's but not play it even once a day would make me feel empty. I use it as distraction between courses and social engagement.
I may loose 10 in a row and only 1, that does not matter to me, learning from mistakes is and my problem is concentration loss sometimes that make me Tilt. What matters however if I had 1 challenging and enjoyable play against a polite and sportsmanship mannered person, then my day is good.
@RationalisedInteger said in #24:
> Plus yall needa learn some chess, especially alijeba,rainbow pink lover and yall noobs
Dude I am 400 points higher rated than you.
In fact I challenge you to a unrated rapid match of 3 games we can figure out a time that works for both of us. Loser is a noob