
New tournament series: ChessWhiz Clash

We are excited to announce a new tournament series: the ChessWhiz Clash, sponsored by BitChess. The first event will be an Antichess Arena on April 2nd. Find more details here:

We will be giving out bitcoin prizes to the winner and to a few lucky participants, so even if you might not beat the best, you can still join us for a load of fun and a chance to win!
Just one thing to avoid cheaters(yes, there are plenty of them) don't make it longer that a min...
It's the first antichess tournament with cash prizes ever I suppose !
The time control has been updated to 1+0 (one minute per side). Computer assistance is not permitted in this event, and will result in a ban.
Muhahahahaha 1+0 is my jam.
Let the destruction commence!

What's the timezone which you calibrated the time of the tournament for?
and now with new time controls, goes a lot of players hope for a win in the tournament. Not everyone is a speed player, and 1 0 is nowhere near time for a insightful game. You have pretty much limited the possible winning pool to a small handful of players now.

instead of giving away paltry amounts of money, maybe you use the money to implement anti-cheat controls for anti chess here instead?

I would have suggested simply having the games reviewed and checked for cheating before awarding prize money, and if someones play is suspicious.

So how would you get the lucky leader, lucky viewer, lucky player prize? What qualifies as that?
I'm with FKA here, you basically limited it to the bullet antichess players here on the site. It would be alot better if it was 3+0, or around there.

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