
safari bug

Lichess started behaving weird today on Safari 9.1.3/MacOS X 10.9.5.

Basically, I don't see my opponent's moves: if I hover over the username, I see them in the miniature board, but not in the main board. Reloading the page makes them appear.

Chrome works fine.
#3 I second that Safari sucks. It is also a rarely used browser leading to it not being prioritized by lichess. You will also notice that the local engine on lichess is much faster on chrome :)
How come you're still on safari 9? Safari 10 was released 9 months ago.
I tested it yesterday, and couldn't reproduce the bug. Any hints?
Hi there @thibault @isaacly , thanks for the feedback.

Just reproduced the bug right now, both as logged user and anonymous. Frantically reloading the page after each of my moves and each of the opponent's moves seems to "fix" that.
I am fairly sure this bug popped up yesterday.

As a side note: apparently Safari 10 is for OS X 10.10 and beyond. I use OS X 10.9 because of reasons.
Please provide precise steps to reproduce, and screenshots of the page and of the console (F12).
The bug is observed every time a game is played on Safari 9.1.5 on MacOS X 10.9. These are all the symptoms:
* opponent moves do not appear
* my moves are visible to me but they are not "sent" (my clock does not stop)

I may have found something in the console. Screenshot here:
The message in the console appears when either of the players makes a move, and disappears when the page is reloaded. Or do you need some other console? F12 just opens the dashboard on my mac.

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