
Атлантида. The new film "ATLANTIS. THE ELITE IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY"(English Subtitles)

A documentary film, which first revealed the true history of mankind. Alternative history.
THE TRUTH about the origin of the elite in contemporary human society and their search of immortality. The elite are El's servants. The story of the archaic highly developed civilization Atlantis, mentioned in the world's literary heritage of Sumer, Babylon, and Hellas as well as in the myths of different peoples of the world.

Highly developed technologies, fight for power, climatic weapons, nuclear war of the antiquity, megaliths, the unique technology for prolonging life beyond the species limit, immortality in the body for the selected ones. Facts and evidence. How has the ideology of Atlantean descendants affected the modern worldview of humanity? The history of development of the world elite’s conspiracy. SHARP AND RAPID CLIMATE CHANGE. The last threshold. Now, everything depends on each person's choice!

Atlantis is a video about the true history of an ancient civilization. The cause of Atlantis destruction, how global government was formed in ancient times, who El was. Why, in the understanding of most people, God is someone with a beard and sitting on a throne? Why do people stereotypically believe that He allows wars and strife? How were ancient legends about the spiritual world and its representatives borrowed and altered, specifically those about the seven immortal Sages (Bodhisattvas)? Who is Ariman?

The origin of ancient words from "mo" and "do" e.g. the word “might”, “be able to”.
Ancient priests' global conspiracy in 7th century B.C. - history's forbidden topics. Who and for what purpose wrote the works of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" under an alias of Homer, and what influence do they have on the worldview of atheists as well as the religious beliefs of people from the times of ancient Greece to today? Who and for what purpose organized the first Olympic games and what were they really conducted for? What is the pattern of worldview that the Trojan war, Elysium and Olympus implant in people's consciousness? What is actually the true meaning of the words "heroes" and "tragedy"? Whose interests is it in that the young generations study and know about such "heroes" of ancient lands of Sumer and Ellas as Gilgamesh, Achilles, Hercules, and Odyssey, and what was really their fate? Was there a nuclear war in antiquity and did people possess climatic weapons? Who built the megaliths and to what purpose?

Secrets and puzzles. What has been hidden in the ancient texts: "He who saw everything", “Epic of Gilgamesh”, "Enlil is Everywhere...", “Enuma Elish”, “Tanakh”, “Old Testament”, “ as well as other ancient works.
What kind of pseudo(anti?)science nonsense is this?
the socalled elite only exist cause god-like men like me allow them to...from what ive experienced in this life-time of mine they, "the elite" have overstepped so many lines, they have to be put to rest... so bye bye elite and have a merry merry x-mas!
вы еще более опасны чем я предполагал!
aladin75 Чего его лазить по форумам и читать тексты на английском?
Funny, I was also investigating on Atlantis once. The articles are intending to display evidence on the existence of early high-tech civilizations, one of them Atlantis. The movie is hard to watch tho. Anyways this is what I read
But as mostly, after absorbing all the revelations, one remains a layman - pretty much
On Facebook, I often came across quotes from "Forbidden Archeology", a book by Michael Baigent . There are many testimonies of highly developed civilizations in antiquity. It is clear that this does not fit into history textbooks for schoolchildren and students. But it seems to me that in the English version this book is called differently. "Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History", perhaps.

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