
Ask Lichess Anything

Please add feature in Lichess: STRATEGY THEMES (like weak pawn, weak square, etc) in Lichess Puzzle.
What do you think of adding a new twist on playing Fischer Random which I call a Double Fischer Random where black has a different starting position from white but still following all the rules of Fischer Random like castling, placement of opposite colored bishops and the king between the rooks?
When are you going to do something to deal with the afk/non-moving player problem in swiss tournaments? There have been multiple threads recently with many suggestions that would improve the user experience greatly.
How can I check my level in opening, middlegame and endgame in my games in lichess
Please add feature: Lichess Puzzle Endgame Storm. Storm Puzzle only Endgame Puzzle. Thank you.
Please add feature: Calculation Training like Blindfold Chess Puzzle, Blinfold Pieceless Tactic...
@Imnotalegend said in #157:
> Why are you not enforcing en pessant?

because it's not compulsory, and frankly in many situations you don't want to!

even in antichess it's not compulsory if you have another capture

@saarthak11 said in #150:
> can you ban someone if he /she has won/lost a lot of games in a row

if they're cheating to win, or if they evidently lose on purpose, then yes, otherwise no

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