

Plateaux are met by everyone in chess. So far I’m stuck on 1700. What about you guys?
More is in you.
There are no plateaux.
Identify your weakness and work on that.
My goal for years has been to reach 1700 USCF. Twice I have been in the 1690's. For me there may be a psychological aspect, too much tension causes bad play. Last time I was 1693, and I won a game against a guy who was 1900. So if I had withdrawn from the tournament at that point, I would be over 1700. But of course I didn't withdraw, and then lost multiple games and crashed.
Long ago I read an Andy Soltis article which said that seven years is the extent of time of improvement. After that, you will stay about the same until the old age slow slide down. Soltis based that on some kind of statistics, but I remain skeptical.
Funny, how many of us have the same frustration, but at a wide range of levels. Wonder if it feels about the same for Nakamura and Aronian as for little mediocre me.
7 years seem ridiculous, how arbitrary. Not only is the plasticity of brain different for differen agest. What data did he use, sme elo does not mean same level of skill, plus how did he exclude all the other factors. And does it account only for 7 years of high intensity training, or for moderate training as well? What about players like steinitz, and gelfand, or players that according to gms peaked in their 30s?
I saw botez play and while she might be better than me im 100 percent certain that its possible for every human to reach that level. And she is over 2000 elo and i believe its more than 2000uscf.
Hi @sparowe14 I want to know what differs UCFS from ELO. ELO is the standard rating measurement for most tournaments and I just don't know much about the other rating measurement .

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