
I lost several games not moving

I made a move but the green dot was not green suggesting that I was not connected. The same happened to some of my opponents too. This is not how Lichess functions normally.
@Witter0X said in #1:
> I made a move but the green dot was not green suggesting that I was not connected. The same happened to some of my opponents too. This is not how Lichess functions normally.
Well...probably u have bad internet connections
I dont have a bad internet connection and it seems unlikly that several of my opponents also have bad internet con nection s at the sane time.
@Witter0X said in #3:
> I dont have a bad internet connection and it seems unlikly that several of my opponents also have bad internet con nection s at the sane time.
How do u know?
@Witter0X said in #3:
> I dont have a bad internet connection and it seems unlikly that several of my opponents also have bad internet con nection s at the sane time.
And if u are disc, maybe ur pc thinks he also disc
He lost, and immediatly going to the next game shows that I'm not disconnected.
It happened to me, actually several times. I had written a post earlier on this on lichess feedback but it did not gain much attention. I would try to drag pieces but they would not move. The mouse is functional on every other part of the site except on any chessboard(games, analysis boards, opening explorer). I tried to restart the pc but with no fruit. Magically after an hour or so, it becomes normally functional everytime!
It show reconnecting in the bottom-left corner even though my connection is fine. When it goes back it goes to normal it shows I lost by timeout. This is how I have lost several games.

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