
am i being mean for turning takebacks off?

I have takebacks turned off. But I also don't request takebacks myself and mostly play on mobile (so don't use a mouse) anyway. I wouldn't say it's mean, necessarily - I'd feel like it was a bit of a double-standard though if someone had takebacks turned off but requested one themselves.
Takebacks should basically be deleted - I've lost many games by blunder, if my opponent does that is fair too.

Simple game is chess.

It sounds like he's projecting strength, integrity, love, civility, evolution; simultaneously, he's exposing and forecasting your weakness, hypocrisy, selfishness, predatory and cannibalistic war-mind, and it looks like he's exposing you as being the fatal mutation that you are.

"Almost like a wizard, but not quite," is right.

At least you don't slander and blaspheme absolutely everything.

And for the record, being a wizard is like being alive. Either you are, or you aren't.

"Like" isn't a thing, here.

You're NOT a wizard at all.

Non-wizards are typically wrong-lizards.
That's why they rhyme.

The Wizard - Black Sabbath
Children of the Grave - Black Sabbath
Take backs off. Personally, i never ask for takebacks because I feel like I need to learn from the mistake and be better for it. Though it sucks when someone has a mouse slip and I have to explain in chat that I turned off takebacks lol.
Most mouse slips happen because the player tries to save time on the clock. So he caused this problem all by himself. No need to explain or feel pity for him.
<Comment deleted by user>
@IWillBeHeard did you really have to think of a comeback for over a week and make an alt account to do it? You have serious problems. Seek help.
This is what f33n3x_The_Monk said.
This is what you're reacting towards.

It is a brilliant synopsis and goes without any possible contention.

He's here to show you how to love your neighbours.

You're here to refuse the lesson.

This is a total dichotomy.

We'll end up seeing which one that the static and objective reality sides with.
You believe that this planet is without cause, but we all know that we all know better.

Lest it's buried under sniveling reactions, here is the "big bad message" that you're whining about:


"I just played a wonderful game that would have otherwise been spoiled by an obvious slip.

Without the takeback function, I wouldn't have made a friend or had the privilege of playing an excellent game.

My opponent played Qg5+??, an obvious slip.

Taking advantage of unintended moves because of bad mouse-switches that let go by themselves, or other software/hardware glitches, medical 'ticks' or 'spasms', or anything else, is not a part of chess at all.

(Obviously, this excludes bullet chess or comparable logic where takebacks aren't really practical or possible; therefore, we'll leave self-serving and selfish excuse-making, that don't include common-sense, to the side. They are not arguments.
They are a waste of time no different than allowing games to be spoiled by non-chess instances.)

If we start down a path where we exploit unfortunate instances that occur with online play, then we don't really have a right to complain when others do it to us, in whatever context that they choose.

If I make up a rule, out of thin air, that my opponent can accidentally lose his queen and call that "chess", then people may consult silicon, ad lib, and likewise call that "chess".

(The real chess players will leave you two factions to argue about 'who's more cowardly', 'who's more disrespectful of the spirit of chess', and 'who is needlessly choosing to waste more time'.)


The 'touch-move' rule was made to avoid people exploiting the psychology of their opponent.

When two people are playing over-the-board, as soon as someone touches a piece it forces their opponent to stop calculating and to consider the move.

This, alongside other distraction themes where players were 'gaming the system', was the reason for the touch-move rule.

The reason that the 'takeback rule" was invented for online play, is so that people like me could have a way to avoid gaming the system in case some kind of a weird glitch destroys the game that I'm playing.

*So, if we're being honest and arguing without fallacy, we actually see that we observe the touch-move rule for the exact same salient reason that we observe the takeback rule.*

We make good use of the takeback rule because it keeps everyone from wasting their time; it keeps the atmosphere inviting and friendly and welcoming; and most of all, it's simply the right thing to do. There is no other way to finish a game of chess after an unfortunate side-effect of online/computer derails the game.

It's exactly how we would want to be treated and there is no point in sitting down to play a chess game that's going to be destroyed and waste everyone's time. That's not chess and people have to be dishonest in order to say that it is.

I just played one of my more interesting and unique games, and it never could have happened if I chose to exploit my opponent; because at the end of the day, that's all we're doing when we take pieces and wins that we didn't earn.


Hikaru's sleeve once accidentally knocked over a rook reaching for the clock.

Should he have been penalized?

Or should he just put the piece back and continue to play the game in good faith and good spirit?


Lastly, on the point of 'touch-move', it's glaringly obvious that when we entertain this argument, we're equating distracting our opponents by needlessly touching pieces, with dropping a queen a square short.

The idea that I'm going to risk dropping a piece in order to distract my opponent, is nonsense.

Yet, it's argued by "chess players" on a routine basis.

I say, "Enough of the dishonesty and hypocrisy."

I ask, "Is honesty at a premium these days?"

Yeah, huh?

Know why?

It's because sniveling little weak cowards have set up a war-hawk precedent that ensures that good people are fed on while bad people "profit".

Now that someone has said, "Let's all behave like stupid animals," and the world has followed that pied-piper into the state of affairs that it's in today, let someone else say, "Let's all behave like we're wise, use our conscience, use our empathy, make good use of the golden rule, and live our lives with integrity and peace and the only kind of love that makes life worthwhile for anyone."

Our minds will have to return to this earth to live with your own precedent and protocol.
We would all be very wise to stop behaving like we're the only person on this planet that matters.



Do we want to exploit online instances of non-chess in order to win games? Or not?
What kind of a world would you like to live in?

Choose wisely."


Obviously, in absolutely every single way, f33n3x's way of behaving himself is completely superior to yours.

It's tough being loving instead of selfish, isn't it?

That might be a very big problem for you if the point of life is to learn to love, right?

What if hatred isn't the opposite of love?
What if selfishness is the opposite of love?

Selfishness doesn't work very well.
Love is the only thing that survives.
Love is the only thing that works well.

Selfish and wicked people, with big guns, tried to bury this truth; therefore, everyone would be wise to unbury it and start being honest and giving and loving and civilized.


@triangel Technical difficulties have nothing to do with chess moves. Richard was perfectly correct with that statement, and he, actually, is indicting those that accept 'non-chess' in the place of 'chess' for selfish reasons.

@Katzenschinken Some slips occur because of cats on keyboards or medical ticks/spasm, some mouse slips happen because Logitech started using faulty switches, but most happen because phones are only so big and it's very difficult to always move pieces with 100% accuracy.

Also, you'll notice in f33n3x's original statement, he made perfectly clear about how fast-clock chess is not included in the discussion, where mouseslips can easily be argued as "a part of the game".


The company that I'd have to keep in the Chess World is so questionable, at this point, that I'm not even sure I want it anymore.

It's a good thing that I know that the vocal minority in these forums only represent 0.01% of the 100s of 1000s who come to enjoy chess, like me, or else I'd find other things to do with my time for sure.

If you're not in the habit of doing the right thing now, then you won't be in the habit of choosing 'right' on the day when your name is called.

You'll wind up back in a womb, clueless as to why you have to be subject to the selfish wickedness of others.

The privilege that you flaunt and thoroughly temporary...and you will be subjected to it one way or another in this life or the next.

You will fill the plates of others and justify why they have to "stop whining and eat it all", and then you'll find that same plate set before you in this life or the next.

What a waste.

The next time something heinous happens in your locale, consider that you, directly and/ indirectly, caused it to happen yourself. Consider that and then make a change to start behaving yourselves accordingly.

@Lichess You muzzle me for speaking messages of love. You ignore the 30 thumbs up/down when people agree with disparaging/discouraging women and non-whites, and or make racist dog-whistle statements that indicate that they're clearly domestic terrorists.

Smarten up or you will get what you give.

Muzzle me? Great!

*Just muzzle them, all, too.*

Then, I'll no longer have an issue and I can resume my chess in peace and love, among my peers, instead of sniveling domestic terrorists who want to pretend that they run the show.

I hope I didn't see you at the capitol the other day, Admin...

Show and prove.
@IWillBeHeard I've heard a lot of self-righteous preachers spreading bile and selling it as a "message of love" but yours is taking the cake.

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