
Rating gain by opponent strength

For me, the most interesting insight I have found in the awesome new insights feature is rating gain by opponent strength.

Specifically, I lose rating points to weaker players, and gain rating points against similar or higher rated players.

Is this typical? If it is, does that mean that the rating system is flawed?
It is possible that my games against weaker players are somewhat skewed by new players entering with a 1500 rating (my typical rating is around 1700), so that might help explain it?

My specific results are:
Against much weaker players, average -1.5 points per game (211 games)
Against weaker players, average -0.2 points per game (111 games)
Against similar players, average 0.5 points per game (292 games)
Against stronger players, average 0.5 points per game (59 games)
Against much stronger players, average 1.6 points per game (62 games)
My results are funny too. I only gain points by playing "much weaker" and "similar" players.

Much weaker 2.0 3
Weaker -4.0 36
Similar 0.8 393
Stronger -0.9 60
Much stronger -1.2 6
Opponent strength
Much weaker 0.9 236
Weaker -0.7 272
Similar -0.5 1,034
Stronger 0.1 473
Much stronger 0.4 1,145
I get

Much weaker -0.2 (222)
Weaker -0.8 (323)
Similar -0.4 (1,199)
Stronger +0.7 (406)
Much stronger +0.8 (508)

So yes, a similar pattern overall, just not as clear as yours.

#2's sample is too limited to draw conclusions, #3 interesting (mine's got a bit of that, too): the same general pattern applies, except for "much weaker" opponents, where:
- a313w has nerves of steel
- I do get the occasional screamer (take that as an understatement), but...
- Somehow, your owns results don't depend as much on your opponent's rating? (more likely to lose against "much weaker", and at the same time to win against "much stronger" players).

How long before psychologists ask us to provide our chess insights alongside our medical history??
[Then again, statistical deviation might be a thing here, we're not talking about a million games.]

For me, it's the stronger and (to a lesser extent) much weaker opponents.

Much weaker 0.6 87
Weaker -0.5 133
Similar 0.3 689
Stronger 1.4 132
Much stronger 0.2 89
Edit: Here's what it looks like for Blitz games only.

Opponent strength Rating gain Number of games
Much weaker 3.4 9
Weaker -0.8 71
Similar -0.1 477
Stronger 0.6 77
Much stronger -1.2 22
for example,
against much weaker opponents let say:
win 9 games: +1 point for each game = +9 rating
lose 1 game: -9 points
total rating change = +9 + (-9) = 0

average rating= 0 point /10 games = 0
so despite you win 9 and lost only 1 game, your average rating gain is "0"

nothing wrong with it being too small or minus, because the losses affect the avarage more
Everyone is now comparing their's lol... I'd just say, I haven't so far worked out how to find out how many of my wins were by checkmate as opposed to timeouts etc. Ideas anyone? :)
#8 Hi Toutatis, i think you can find the information your looking for by looking up "game termination (by) game result".

I hope this helps :)

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