
How to find a girl in Lichess?

Use the search button to search usernames, and then search AGirl. There you go.
Can we please..not? Lichess is supposed to be a site for all ages, and I'm only a tween, so I really shouldn't be here. I'm going to leave this page immediately after I put it out there to consider the fact that younger kids might accidentally stumble across this, and I suggest you close this forum.
This is a joke guys. It been posted in forum named "non related to chess".
Acctualy I 'm not even looking for a girl.
I think most of the people realize the joke and have fun with this.
Maybe I’m an anachronistic relic, but when I grew up a boy looking for a girl wasn’t offensive for anyone. Can somebody help a boomer understand?

Edit: I have to extend this rant. In times of Tinder etc looking for a partner on a chess site seems quite romantic - needless to say we all know he was just trolling anyways!
I guess we all established the fact that the request is nearly pointless due to obvious reasons like location / age distribution and general creepiness but I still don’t understand all the hate.
If OP randomly got a connection out of this I’d just be happy for him. Feels like Corona did a number on some people.
Guys I am a girl and when you guys say girls turn down you or criticize you they might be using reverse psychology. I know because I do that sometimes and I am a girl.

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