
Why don't you get rating points for winning in the last round?

I understand why a last-round victory doesn't count in the tournament standings: but why don't we get the rating points for it?

You work hard to win a game, and then you find out it's not rated? What's the purpose of that?
Its to bad last victory doesn't count in tournament standings...I might have ended up being number 3 instead of number 5 :P
No, you definitely do NOT get the rating points...I've tested it and you don't.

It's as if the game never happened. This seems like a glitch in Lichess, I can't understand why it would be like that. They should fix it.
who cares about online rating?it is not even real life elo rating
@darkfish Can you give an example? In my experience, when I play a game at the end of a tournament and the game lasts longer than the tournament does, it is still rated as normal. For which of your games has this not happened?
@iBishop, I can give you an example from one of Carlsen's recent Lichess tournaments.

In the Youtube video below, at about 1:49:00 or so, look at Magnus' rating: it's 3030. The tournament clock runs out while he's still playing. His opponent resigns a few seconds later, so Magnus wins the game. The rating change (in the lower-right) shows a +5 for his rating should now be 3035, right?

But look at the final standings: his rating still shows as 3030. Doesn't that look to you like he didn't get the points for that win?
You do get rating points. It just doesn't show in the tourney since its already finished.

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